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Chapter 02. Never trust the user.

Why you should never trust the user and their given input Unlike other OO languages, Python has duck typing and is a dynamic language. This means that even if you declared in a method that you want an object of type Banana you may end up getting Peanuts instead. For this reason, I always advice never to trust the user.

However, as seen in the previous chapter, we have different ways of distributing the package. We will see what this means by the end of the chapter.

We are going to start debugging some snippets in this chapter to get a grip of some python concepts, so, let's add a launch.json to our .vscode directory.

Methods in Python

These are ways of declaring methods and handling their input / output. Try them out.

def get_dike_profile_points():
    return None
def get_dike_profile_points(*args, **kwargs):
    return (1,2)
x = get_dike_profile_points(abc=(3,4,5))
x1, x2 = x
def get_dike_profile_points(abc, *args, **kwargs):
    return ((1,2), (3,4), (5,6))
p1, p2 , p3= get_dike_profile_points(3,4,5)

As can be seen, we can collect the parameters declaring them explicetly or by using the parameters *args or **kwargs.

Classes in Python

Official reference.

Creating classes is very simple, you just need to add the class type at its begining:

class DikeProfile:

We can also apply (multiple) inheritance.

class SoilReinforcementProfile(DikeProfile):


We initializing classes usually with the def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) method. However we can take different approaches.

  • Default constructor:
    class DikeProfile:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
   = "A default Dike Profile"
    _dike_profile = DikeProfile()
  • From a class method (later further explained):
class DikeProfile:
    def from_data_dict(cls, **kwargs):
        _dike_profile = cls() = kwargs.get("name", "A default Dike Profile")
        return _dike_profile
_dike_profile = DikeProfile.from_data_dict(name="Or not so default.")
  • From a 'builder' (or a FactoryPattern):
 class DikeProfileBuilder:
    def build(self):
        _profile = DikeProfile() = "A default Dike Profile"
        return _profile

There are certain libraries that help initializing classes while enforcing its typing. Have a look at Pydantic. Keep in mind that when using such libraries you are constrained to their potential bugs / limitations. So you should be responsible on to how to use it (later discussed in the summary).

Static methods.

These are examples of static methods:

class Point:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

# outside a class
def get_tuple_as_point( x, y):
    return Point(x, y)

_point = get_tuple_as_point(4, 2)
# In a class with decorator staticmethod
class DikeProfileBuilder:
    def get_point_list(*args, **kwargs):
        _point_list = []
        for point_tuple in args:
            x, y = point_tuple
            _point_list.append(get_tuple_as_point(x, y))
        return _point_list
_point_list = DikeProfileBuilder.get_point_list((4, 2), (2,4))

Class methods.

A class method is similar to a static one. However, despite being technically possible to make them behave identically, a class method is meant to return an instance of the class being invoked.

# Do not:
class DikeProfile:
    def get_point_list(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# Do:
def get_point_list(*args):
class DikeProfile:
    def from_data(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        _dike_profile = cls()
        _dike_profile.points = get_point_list(args)
        return _dike_profile
_profile = DikeProfile.from_data((1,2), (3,4))

Overloading methods.

As in other OO languages, we can also overload methods:

class DikeProfile:
    def __str__(self):
        return "A default DikeProfile"
And of course, we can also overload operators:
class DikeProfile:
    def __eq__(self, compare_to):
        if len(compare_to.points) != len(self.points):
            return False
        for idx, point in enumerate(self.points):
            to_point = compare_to.pints[idx]
            if to_point.x != point.x or to_point.y != point.y:
                return False
        return True

_dike_a = DikeProfile()
_dike_a.points = [Point(1, 2), Point(2, 3)]
_dike_b = DikeProfile()
_dike_b.points = [Point(1, 2), Point(2, 3)]
assert _dike_a == _dike_b
_dike_b.points = [Point(1, 2), Point(2, 4)]
assert _dike_a != _dike_b

Handling errors:

Some examples on how to handle errors in Python:

    _result = 1 / 0
except Exception as exc_info:

from pathlib import Path
def read_file(file):
    if not file:
        raise ValueError("File not provided")
    if not isinstance(file, Path):
        file = Path(file)
    if not file.is_file():
        # This error is futile as the built-in read_text would raise it anyway.
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found at {file}")
    _lines = file.read_text().splitlines(keepends=False)

Clean code (or the most effective ways to make it clean).

This part ends up being more a responsibility than a mechanism we can build (except for certain code formatters.) The first advice, is to adhere to the following: - Dry code. - Single responsibility principle (OO). - Classes and methods standardization. - Use code formatters and related tools, the most simple one black.

 poetry run black .
- You can also order your imports with isort.
 poetry run isort .
- Descriptive (consistent) variables.
 # Don't
 _mcf = a_calculation_that_happens_somewhere(a,b)
 # Do
 _geometry_area = calculate_geometry(_list_of_points)
- Documented code. - Type hinting
 from __future__ import annotations

 from typing import List, Tuple

 class Point:
     x: float
     y: float

     def __init__(self, x: float, y: float) -> None:
         self.x = x
         self.y = y

     def __str__(self) -> str:
         return f"Point ({self.x}, {self.y})"

 class DikeProfile:
     def __init__(self):
         self._points = []

     def with_data(cls, point_tuples: List[Tuple[float]]) -> DikeProfile:
         _profile = cls()
         _profile.points = [Point(*_pt) for _pt in point_tuples]
         return _profile

     def points(self) -> List[Point]:
         return self._points

     def points(self, list_values: List[Point]):
         self._points = list_values

 _dike = DikeProfile.with_data([(1, 2), (2, 3)])
 for point in _dike.points:
- Docstrings (pick your preferred format and be consistent about it). When using autoDocstring, you only need to write three " and press enter to generate a template.

 class DikeProfile:
 class DikeReinforcementInput:
 class ReinforcedDikeProfile(DikeProfile):

 def profile_calculator(profile: DikeProfile, new_input: DikeReinforcementInput) -> ReinforcedDikeProfile:
     Calculates a new profile based on the given `profile` and `new_input`.

         profile (DikeProfile): Base profile on which calculations will be done.
         new_input (DikeReinforcementInput): Data input required to perform calculations.

         ReinforcedDikeProfile: Instance of new reinforced Dike


In this chapter we have seen that in Python we can still code in an effective Object Oriented way.

However, as mentioned, because of Python being a dynamic language, and the ways of distributing the repository, we need to consider also how to handle potential errors in the code and / or users' input. Let's analyze the options:

  1. As a package library (pip) or sandbox.

    1. The user is an 'expert' or a 'developer'.
    2. The code contains type-hints and tests ensuring the correct functioning.
    3. We only try-catch on high end operations or as a part of a wrapper to a third-party package.
  2. As an endpoint, CLI, API or .exe product.

    1. The user does not necessairly need to know how to code.
    2. The user only uses the API endpoints / calls which are well-documented.

In 1.1 the user should be responsible enough to know how to handle the package. It should be accepted to just follow a fail-fast philosophy in our code. However, in the second case, we could do error handling at a higher level (classic yet leaving the rest of the code intentionally following a fail-fast philosophy.